Excavation, Contaminated and Non-contaminated soil removal.
UST Removal
Soil Solutions, Inc. can handle all of your excavation needs, including removal of contaminated and non-contaminated soils.
We specialize in removing petroleum contaminated soils from gas stations, schools and factories including removal of UST’s.
We start with test pit sampling with laboratory review. After we receive the lab results we can proceed to remove to a facility that accepts contaminated soils or a clean soils disposal.
We can also file your 30 day notice to proceed, Health and safety plan, Excavated Materials Disposal Plan, and the closure report as required by the NYS DEC.

Clara Barton HS UST and Contaminated Soil Removal
Contact Information:
Soil Solutions, Inc.
110 Cherry Valley Avenue, West Hempstead, NY 11552
1-877 303 PILE
516-292-6000 (phone) 516-292-6090 (facsimile)