We install all types of Piles.
Pipe Piles, Helical Piles, Timber Piles,
H-Piles, Drilled Piles, Mini Piles
Timber Piles. Timber piles can be the most cost effective
method to install your foundation for residential and small commercial
Helical piles. An inexpensive alternate method using drilled piles.
Pipe Piles. Pipe piles from 8” to 48” pipe, open and close ended
and with or without concrete fill for higher capacities.
Drilled Mini-piles. Drilled grout filled pipe piles with hi-strength bars for
higher capacities.
Augercast piles. Rotating a continuously flighted hollow shaft auger, pumping high strength cement grout through the shaft and out the tip as the auger is being extracted. Reinforcing is also placed in the center of the shaft.
H-Piles. Driven and/or drilled generally used for H-beams and lagging systems.
We own all of our load test equipment!
Mill Pond Park, Bx Terminal Markets
Contact Information:
Soil Solutions, Inc.
110 Cherry Valley Avenue, West Hempstead, NY 11552
1-877 303 PILE
516-292-6000 (phone) 516-292-6090 (facsimile)